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After Recflow

Recflow is for
Job Seekers

Explore thousands of your job opportunities with all the information you need. Come find it, Manage all your job application from start to finish.

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Create a profile. Get great matches.

After Recflow

We make sure your next step is a step forward. That's why we've created a job board to eliminate the tedious process. Create a profile and use our resume templates to create a resume and land your dream job. We'll help you find great opportunities, and receive your top new job matches directly in your box. Get notification about new job vacancy, scheduled interview and job recruitment.

Choose, interview, and accept.

After Recflow

Build your reputation with a common profile with hundreds of different employers. Choose your preferences and discover the jobs that are most relevant to you. Filters with a wide selection will help you find the perfect job quickly and easily. Finally, you can apply with 1 click.

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We’re rolling out awesome product in phases. Be the first to experience it.

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Make a wish. We've got the rest

You are a talent. Act like that.

After Recflow

You are more than your resume

Let's be honest when you apply for a job with a CV, everything about you is your CV. Opening yourself up and sharing your distinguishing qualities can put you ahead of another candidate in an interview. Increasingly, the world is going digital, you can upload your video introducing yourself, show your skills and integrate your LinkedIn profile with Recflow.

After Recflow

No repetitive tasks

If you find yourself doing the same tasks every day while applying for a job and cannot find joy or satisfaction in this effort, automate your repetitive tasks with Recflow, do the same tasks, tests, questions only once. You will have badges regarding the challenges you solve during an applicaiton.

After Recflow

Showcase your skill set

With Recflow, you can add bulleted information to your profile in your resume or portfolio that shows that you have the skills to do this job, you can prove them by passing the tests given to you.

See what Recflow can do

After Recflow


Choose from thousands of free or premium Recflow templates.

After Recflow


Helps you spend less time managing your schedule and more time enjoying it.

After Recflow


Recflow create the report of each application.

After Recflow

Recruitment Pages

Add a job application page to your site with the URL we will provide.

After Recflow


Power up your business by integrating with other leading business software.

After Recflow

Get Started Today

Change the way you work with clients forever. You’ll thank us later.

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